This is Version 2 of Lab 6 Rehearse 1. If you need the original version, it is here
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By “one sample - one mean” our intent is to test whether the mean of a numerical variable in our sample is different from a standard or stated value.
Attribution: The one-sample one mean example is based upon the explanation of the Infer Package update: Infer
**see more examples using Infer Examples
In this example, we are using the gss data set which is included in the Infer package. It is derived from the General Social Survey. You can find information about the GSS here.
Because the gss data set is included in Infer package which we have already loaded into the session library, we do not need to load it separately. But we need to create a data object from the gss for consistency with our process.
gss <- gss
# Use the glimpse () function to display the data object.
## Rows: 500
## Columns: 11
## $ year <dbl> 2014, 1994, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1996, 1990, 2016, 2000, 1998, 20…
## $ age <dbl> 36, 34, 24, 42, 31, 32, 48, 36, 30, 33, 21, 30, 38, 49, 25, 56…
## $ sex <fct> male, female, male, male, male, female, female, female, female…
## $ college <fct> degree, no degree, degree, no degree, degree, no degree, no de…
## $ partyid <fct> ind, rep, ind, ind, rep, rep, dem, ind, rep, dem, dem, ind, de…
## $ hompop <dbl> 3, 4, 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 5,…
## $ hours <dbl> 50, 31, 40, 40, 40, 53, 32, 20, 40, 40, 23, 52, 38, 72, 48, 40…
## $ income <ord> $25000 or more, $20000 - 24999, $25000 or more, $25000 or more…
## $ class <fct> middle class, working class, working class, working class, mid…
## $ finrela <fct> below average, below average, below average, above average, ab…
## $ weight <dbl> 0.8960034, 1.0825000, 0.5501000, 1.0864000, 1.0825000, 1.08640…
In the glimpse, we can see that the gss data object has 500 rows or observations of the variables. The variables are stored in the columns and we can see we have 11 variables.
Some are categorical, those with a
Our variable of interest is the ‘hours’ variable which is quantitative. It represents the number of hours worked each week by the individuals who participated in the GSS survey.
Our research question: Does the GSS survey provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean number of hours worked each week by Americans is different from the traditional 40 hour week.
mean <- gss %>%
summarize(hours = mean(hours))
#display the mean
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
## hours
## <dbl>
## 1 41.4
We got a bit fancy here by showing both the mean and median - a box plot only shows the median (the line in the “middle” of the box) usless you add the mean.
# Calculate mean and median
mean_hours <- mean(gss$hours)
median_hours <- median(gss$hours)
# Assuming 'gss' is your data frame or data object with the 'hours' variable
ggplot(gss, aes(y = hours)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_point(aes(x = 0, y = mean_hours, color = "Mean"), shape = 18, size = 3) +
geom_point(aes(x = 0, y = median_hours, color = "Median"), shape = 20, size = 3) +
labs(title = "Boxplot of Hours", y = "Hours per week") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Mean" = "red", "Median" = "blue")) +
guides(color = guide_legend(title = "Statistics")) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, ceiling(max(gss$hours) / 5) * 5, by = 5))
We can see that the mean is slightly greater than the median which appears to be about 40 hours per week. But the black dots which we call ‘outliers’ indicate that there is quite a lot of variation in the hours worked. The box tells us that the majority of people worked from about 36 to 48 hours per week.
To answer our research question, we are using the Downey/Infer process.
Null Hypothesis Ho: The mean hours per week worked by Americans is 40. Alternative Hypothesis Ha: The mean hours per week worked by Americans is not 40.
It’s important to set the significance level “alpha” before starting the testing using the data.
Let’s set the significance level at 5% ( i.e., 0.05) here because nothing too serious will happen if we are wrong.
Calculate the observed statistic and store the results in a new data
object called mean_obs
mean_obs <- gss %>%
specify(response = hours) %>%
calculate(stat = "mean")
Generate the null distribution of the mean.
null_dist <- gss %>%
specify(response = hours) %>%
hypothesize(null = "point", mu = 40) %>%
generate(reps = 1000)
# create a new data object `null_mean` to hold the mean hours worked
# in the Null world.
null_mean <- null_dist %>%
calculate(stat = "mean")
visualize(null_mean) +
shade_p_value(obs_stat = mean_obs, direction = "two-sided")
Reflection Question: Why is the observed mean unlikely?
Answer here:
Notice that infer has also shaded the regions of the null distribution that are as (or more) extreme than our observed statistic (sometimes called the “point estimate”). The red bar looks like it’s slightly far out on the right tail of the null distribution, so observing a sample mean of 41.382 hours would be somewhat unlikely if the mean was actually 40 hours.
Calculate the p-value (“area” under the curve beyond
) from the Null distribution and the observed
statistic mean_obs
null_mean %>%
get_p_value(obs_stat = mean_obs, direction = "both")
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
## p_value
## <dbl>
## 1 0.03
It looks like the p-value is 0.03 which is pretty small—if the true mean number of hours worked per week was actually 40, the probability of our sample mean being this far (1.382 hours) from 40 would be 0.03.
Because we set the significance level alpha to 0.05, the p-value is less that alpha. There is a statistically significant difference between the observed mean of 41.382 and the “standard” 40 hours per week.
The following code chunk creates a percentile confidence interval around the mean hours using the bootstrap method.
boot_dist <- gss %>%
specify(response = hours) %>%
generate(reps = 1000, type = "bootstrap") %>%
calculate(stat = "mean")
ci <- get_ci(boot_dist)
# display the CI
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
## lower_ci upper_ci
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 40.1 42.7
Reflection Question: State what the confidence interval tells us about the likely mean?
Your Answer here:
gss %>%
t_test(response = hours, mu = 40)
## # A tibble: 1 × 7
## statistic t_df p_value alternative estimate lower_ci upper_ci
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2.09 499 0.0376 two.sided 41.4 40.1 42.7
The results of the traditional test are similar to the Infer results. The p-value in this test is larger than the 0.03 in Infer, but still less than the significance level of 0.05.
Remember there are assumptions required for the t-test that should be checked and verified before the results can be used. We will not do that here.
This can be either using one sample which has a categorical variable with just two levels which can be used to form two groups for which we can calculate a mean for a numeric variable for each group.
Or it could be the situation in which we have two separate samples for which we can compare the mean of a numeric variable.
Attribution: Modern Dive Problem Set 09
Question: Do people identifying as males and females have different mean first year GPAs?
First load the necessary packages:
Load the data and use the glimpse function to inspect it and find our variables of interest.
sat_gpa <- read.csv("./data/sat_gpa.csv")
## Rows: 1,000
## Columns: 7
## $ X <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, …
## $ sex <chr> "Male", "Female", "Female", "Male", "Male", "Female", "Male…
## $ sat_verbal <int> 65, 58, 56, 42, 55, 55, 57, 53, 67, 41, 58, 45, 43, 50, 54,…
## $ sat_math <int> 62, 64, 60, 53, 52, 56, 65, 62, 77, 44, 70, 57, 45, 58, 66,…
## $ sat_total <int> 127, 122, 116, 95, 107, 111, 122, 115, 144, 85, 128, 102, 8…
## $ gpa_hs <chr> "high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "high", "low", "hig…
## $ gpa_fy <dbl> 3.18, 3.33, 3.25, 2.42, 2.63, 2.91, 2.83, 2.51, 3.82, 2.54,…
We can see in the glimpse that the data set has 1000 rows or observations. And it has 7 variables - the columns. Note that the first “variable” X is just a number for the row of data.
Although you may need to dig further to confirm what the names mean from the original source of the data, we can safely assume that our first variable of interest is “sex”, which has two levels: “Male” and “Female”.
And the second is “gpa_fy” which stands for GPA first year which is a numerical variable showing the GPA with two decimal places.
mean_gpa_sex <- sat_gpa %>%
group_by(sex) %>%
summarize(gpa_fy = mean(gpa_fy))
#display the means
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
## sex gpa_fy
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Female 2.54
## 2 Male 2.40
#using the original data, sat_gpa, and setting the aesthetic x-axis to be the "sex" variable; and y-axis to be the "gpa_fy" variable.
ggplot(sat_gpa, aes(x = sex, y = gpa_fy)) +
geom_boxplot(fill = "light blue") +
#we title the graph and label the x and y axes.
labs(title = "Median Grade Point for first year college students",
x = "Gender", y = "GPA score")
We can see that there is some difference in the median gpa’s for the two groups. The median GPA for females appears to be higher than that for males.
Note the standard boxplot displays the medians which are the black lines near the “middle” of the two boxes.
Null Hypothesis Ho: The mean first year GPA for Females and Males are the same - there is no difference. Alternative Hypothesis Ha: The mean first year GPA for Females and Males are not the same - there is a difference.
It’s important to set the significance level “alpha” before starting the testing using the data.
Let’s set the significance level at 5% ( i.e., 0.05) here because nothing too serious will happen if we are wrong.
Calculate the observed statistic and store the results in a new data
object called obs_diff
obs_diff<- sat_gpa %>%
specify(gpa_fy ~ sex) %>%
calculate(stat = "diff in means", order = c("Female", "Male"))
# Display the observed difference
## Response: gpa_fy (numeric)
## Explanatory: sex (factor)
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
## stat
## <dbl>
## 1 0.149
Generate the null distribution of the GPAs.
null_dist <- sat_gpa %>%
specify(gpa_fy ~ sex) %>%
hypothesize(null = "independence") %>%
generate(reps = 1000, type = "permute")
Note we use the hypothesize
function to set our null
hypothesis to be “independence”. If the two variables “sex” and “gpa_fy”
are independent of each other, we should see no difference in the mean
null_diff <- null_dist %>%
calculate(stat = "diff in means", order = c("Female", "Male"))
#show the first five observations of the difference.
null_diff %>%
## Response: gpa_fy (numeric)
## Explanatory: sex (factor)
## Null Hypothesis: independence
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
## replicate stat
## <int> <dbl>
## 1 1 0.0515
## 2 2 0.0646
## 3 3 -0.0401
## 4 4 -0.0961
## 5 5 0.0392
visualize(null_diff) +
shade_p_value(obs_stat = obs_diff, direction = "two-sided")
Calculate the p-value (“area” under the curve beyond
) from the Null distribution and the observed
statistic obs_diff
null_diff %>%
get_p_value(obs_stat = obs_diff, direction = "both")
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
## p_value
## <dbl>
## 1 0.002
Remember the p-value is not exactly 0, but is very, very small, much less that the typical significance level alpha of 0.05.
Because the p-value of approximately 0 is less than the significance level of 0.05, we must reject the Null of no difference. There is a difference between the first year GPA’s of female and male students.
The following code chunk will allow us to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the difference between mean first year GPA scores for females and males.
ci_diff <- sat_gpa %>%
specify(gpa_fy ~ sex) %>%
generate(reps = 1000, type="bootstrap") %>%
calculate(stat = "diff in means", order = c("Female", "Male")) %>%
get_confidence_interval(level = 0.95)
#print the CI upper and lower limits
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
## lower_ci upper_ci
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.0534 0.233
The Null value of 0 is not contained in the confidence interval. This supports the conclusion that there is a significant difference in first year GPA for female and male students.
Complete all the above tasks with a t-test. Note that all the above steps can be done with one line of code if a slew of assumptions like normality and equal variance of the groups are checked and verifed.
t.test(gpa_fy ~ sex, var.equal = TRUE, data = sat_gpa)
## Two Sample t-test
## data: gpa_fy by sex
## t = 3.1828, df = 998, p-value = 0.001504
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Female and group Male is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.05695029 0.24009148
## sample estimates:
## mean in group Female mean in group Male
## 2.544587 2.396066
Reflection Question:
What are your conclusions from the two-sample mean comparison methods? Are they the same or different?
Answer here:
When you are ready to create your final lab report, save the Lab-06-Rehearse1-Worksheet.Rmd lab file and then Knit it to PDF or Word to make a reproducible file. This image shows you how to select the knit document file type.
Note that if you have difficulty getting the documents to Knit to either Word or PDF, and you cannot fix it, just save the completed worksheet and submit your .Rmd file.
Ask your instructor to help you sort out the issues if you have time.
Submit your file in the Canvas M6.3 Lab 6 Rehearse(s): Hypothesis Tests Part 1 - Means assignment area.
The Lab 6 Hypothesis Tests Part 2 Grading Rubric will be used.
Congrats! You have finished Rehearse 1 of Lab 6. Now go to Rehearse 2!
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v1.1.3, 6/30/23
Last Compiled 2023-10-15