Photo by Maksim Goncharenok from Pexels

Hypothesis Tests Part 1: Means

In lab 6, we continue to learn about inference using tests of hypotheses. We begin with comparing one mean to some value we believe to be true - the Null hypothesis. We will use a one-sample test and confidence intervals to determine if there is a significant difference between our assumed Null value and what we see in the sample. And we will also use a two-sample test to look at differences in the means of two samples.

When you work through each Rehearse session, you will use a worksheet to capture your progress as you follow the instructions in the Rehearse web pages. You can keep the Rehearse page open on one browser tab and the appropriate worksheet in your RStudio/Posit account in another.

Let’s get started with the first tutorial – One and Two Sample Means.



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This work was created by Dawn Wright and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Last Compiled 2023-01-05