Remix & Report


  1. Using material from your completed Lab 8 Rehearse 1 and Rehearse 2, create a complete, final reproducible report. You should use and edit as needed the Lab8-Remix-Student-Name.Rmd worksheet.

  2. Create a 4 to 5 minute presentation of your research findings.

  3. Present your research findings in a video.

  4. Submit the required materials in your Canvas course.

Research Report


Write an appropriate summary paragraph of your research and findings. It should be 100 to 150 words in length. Include your research question/hypothesis, what you are intending to “prove,” and why you are interested in doing so.

Your answer here:

Load Packages

# Paste code here

Load Data

# Paste code here

Reference for source of data:


If your dataset is not included in the Posit Cloud Lab 8 project /data folder or in a referenced package, you must submit a copy of the data file with your Canvas submission. If your code above includes an active link for downloading the data file, you have met this requirement.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Use an appropriate data visualization to focus on your research question.

# Paste code here

Your comments here:

Summary Statistics

Provide appropriate summary statistic(s)

# Paste code here

Your comments here:

Specify Variables of Interest

Identify the name and type of variables of interest.

Your answer here:

State the Null and Alternative hypotheses (using words)

Null Hypothesis Ho:

Alternative Hypothesis Ha:

State the Significance Level Alpha

Also include a short statement of your logic for using this significance level.

Your answer here:



You must use the Downey/Infer method as shown in the previous rehearses as the primary method of analysis.

Step 1: Calculate the observed statistic delta_obs

# Paste code here

Your comments here:

Step 2: Generate the Null Distribution of “Delta”

Generate the null distribution of the delta.

# Paste code here

Your comments here:

Step 3: Visualize the Null and the delta_obs

# Paste code here

Your comments here:

Step 4: Calculate the p-value

Calculate the p-value from the Null distribution and delta_obs

# Paste code here

Step 5: Decide if delta_obs is statistically significant.

# Paste code here

Your comments here:

Results and Conclusions

Your comments here:


Prepare a 4 to 5-minute max presentation of your results using PowerPoint/Google Slides (downloaded as PPT) or another presentation tool that will allow you to save the slide deck as PowerPoint slides.

Remember a rule of thumb is that each content slide should be budgeted for about 1 minute to present.


Prepare a narrated video presentation of your report. It should be 4 to 5 minutes duration.

Here is an example of a past student’s video:


You can use a free tool like ScreenCast-O-Matic, or any other video capture tool of your choice.

You may also use the PowerPoint Voice Over tool to create your narrated presentation. See Microsoft Help

Just about done!

Lab Assignment Submission


When you are ready to create your final lab report, save the Lab8-your-name.Rmd lab file and then Knit it to make a Word or PDF file.

You will also submit your presentation deck and your video presentation file (usually an MP4). If the video capture tool you use just creates an online presentation, include the URL here in your Lab8-Remix-Student-Name file:

In all, you should submit:

  1. Lab8-Remix-Student-Name. If you are unable to knit to either a Word or PDF file, submit a copy of your .RMD file.

  2. Presentation Slide deck

  3. Video of presentation. Alternatively, a “PowerPoint” file containing narration and slide timings. Inclusion of a link to your online video in the Lab8-Remix-Student-Name file meets this requirement.

You can submit the files individually in Canvas in the M8.5 Lab 8 Remix and Report: Personal Data Project assignment page

The Lab 8 Grading Rubric will be used.


You have completed Lab 8 - the Personal Data Project!

Previous: Lab 8 Rehearse 2

Lab Manual Homepage

Creative Commons License
This work was created by Dawn Wright and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

v2.0.1 , date 5/26/24

Last Compiled 2024-05-27