Lab 8 Rehearse 2

Posit Cloud Workspace

Link to Posit Cloud {-}

  1. Log into your Posit Cloud account.
  2. Open the Lab 8 Data Project.
  3. Open the Lab8-Rehearse2-Worksheet.Rmd.

Note that you will do all your work for this Rehearse in the Lab-8-Rehearse 2 worksheet, so click on that to open it in the Editor window in your Posit Cloud Lab 8 Data Project workspace.


In this Lab 8 Rehearse 2 you will continue work on your Personal Data Project:

  1. Load the data into your Posit Cloud/RStudio Desktop work space.
  2. Restate your research question/hypothesis.
  3. Restate your Null and Alternative hypotheses.
  4. State the type of inference test you will use to answer the research question.
  5. Using code copied/edited from an appropriate example, complete the 5 analysis steps of the Downey-Infer inference process.
  6. State the results of the inference analysis and your conclusions about your research question/hypothesis.
  7. If appropriate for your method of analysis, use a confidence interval that will answer the research question.
  8. Using code copied/edited from an appropriate example, complete a traditional inference test.


Load Packages



Load the data


# paste code here

State your research question/hypothesis.

Your response here:

State the Null and Alternative hypotheses

Null hypothesis Ho:

Alternative hypothesis Ha:

Type of Analysis

What type of inference analysis is appropriate for your data and research question.

Your answer here:

Test the hypothesis - Downey Method

Step 1: Calculate the observed statistic delta_obs


# paste code here:

Step 2: Generate the Null Distribution


# paste code here:

Step 3: Visualize the Null Distribution and the delta_obs


# paste code here:

Step 4: Calculate the p-value


# paste code here:

Step 5: Decide if delta_obs is statistically significant


# paste code here:

Results and Conclusions

Your comments here:

Calculate confidence interval

If a confidence interval is not appropriate, so state. Your comment here:


# paste code here:

Traditional hypothesis test


# paste code here:

Comment on the comparison of the Downey-Infer results and those of the traditional method.

Your comments here:

Lab Assignment Submission


Submit your Lab 8 Rehearse 2 worksheet knitted as a Word or PDF file in your M8.3 Lab 8 Rehearse(s): Personal Data Project Canvas Assignment area. If you cannot knit your document successfully, submit the .Rmd document for partial credit.

You have completed Rehearse 2 in Lab 8 - the Personal Data Project Plan. Now on to the Lab 8 Remix and Report!

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Next:Lab 8 Remix

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Creative Commons License
This work was created by Dawn Wright and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

V2.0, Date 1/5/23

Last Compiled 2024-01-05