Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Personal Data Project

Module 8 is all about your personal data project. We call it that because you will choose a data set and do something with it. Simple as that!

Of course, there is more to this but that is essentially what you will be doing.


The goal of this assignment is to get you to demonstrate some proficiency in using the techniques we have covered in this course.

Remember, an objective of this course is to help you become data literate. That is, you can:

We also hope you have learned something about statistical thinking where we improve business/organization processes following these principles:

  1. All work occurs in a system of interconnected processes.
  2. Variation exists in all processes.
  3. Understanding and reducing variation is the key to success.


Most students will choose to use one of the suggested data sets we provide. But if you get started early in the term, you might choose to use data related to something you are doing/interested in.


If the data belongs to someone else, such as the company/organization you work for, you will need to get written permission to use it. If you want to use data that is published somewhere and publicly available on the “web,” you just need to include a proper reference/citation for it. By “publicly available” we mean data that anyone can access on the Internet.

Check out the information on where to find publicly available data as well as the data sets we provide on the Data Sets page.

And we have many other resources collected on the Personal Data Project Info and Resources page.


As usual, we have three parts to this personal data project

  1. Rehearse 1 - due Thursday pm of the Module 8 week.
  2. Rehearse 2 - due Sunday pm of the Module 8 week.
  3. Remix/Report - due Sunday pm of the Module 8 week.

In Rehearse 1, you pick/describe your data. You also define your research question. There will be exploratory data analysis involved in doing this. Your Rehearse 1 report will document this activity.

In Rehearse 2, you continue to work on your data using the process/techniques we covered in this course. You should complete your analysis in Rehearse 2.

In the Remix/Report, you will submit a written report (short) and a no more than 5-minute video presentation in the Canvas M8 Assignment area.

Your work will be graded using the Module 8 grading rubrics.

Use the supplied worksheets to capture your work on your Personal Data Project

Let’s get started with the first project development session – Rehearse 1.

Next: Lab 8 Rehearse 1

Lab Manual Homepage

Creative Commons License
This work was created by Dawn Wright and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Last Compiled 2023-10-26