Remix & Report

Research Question 1:

A hospital ER manager has been monitoring the patient admissions to her clinic over the course of a week. She is concerned that if the admissions pattern is different from the prior quarter, she may have to change her staffing plan. Her staffing plan is based on ER admissions in the prior quarter.

For the prior quarter, the percentage of daily ER admissions in four time blocks was: morning 14%; afternoon 29%; evening 36%; night 21%.

The data she collected for last week is found in the clinic.csv file in your data folder. There were 600 admissions to the ER that week.

Is there sufficient evidence in the recent data to indicate the proportions of admissions to the clinic have changed?

Question: What type of hypothesis test will this require? In which Lab 7 Rehearse was this type of hypothesis test explained?

Use the Lab7-Remix-Q1-Your-Name worksheet to complete this question.

Research Question 2:

A promoter has gotten a state to consider legalizing online betting. The state took an opinion poll and the data is found in the gambling.csv file in your data folder.

Is there a difference between poll participants who are and are not gamblers on whether gambling should be online or not online?

Note: The two categorical variables in the gambling data file each have only two levels, thus the classical Test for Independence cannot be used.

Question: What type of hypothesis test will this require? In which Lab 7 Rehearse was this type of hypothesis test explained?

Use the Lab7-Remix-Q2-Your-Name worksheet to complete this question.


  • You must answer fully both of the research questions.

  • You must use the Downey-Infer method, the CI method, and a traditional approach as shown in the rehearses.

  • You must use the appropriate question worksheet for the solution to each question.

  • Do not submit the Lab7-Remix-Student-Name worksheet for this lab.

The two Remix Q worksheets have empty code blocks for the minimum required steps in the analysis. Remember you can insert empty code blocks if you need them for additional code you may decide to use, e.g. more exploratory analysis. Place your cursor where you want the new code block and then use the “+C” green icon in your Edit window.

Just about done!

Lab Assignment Submission


When you are ready to create your Lab 7 Remix lab reports, knit each of your two Question worksheet documents to PDF or Word to make reproducible files. This image shows you how to select the knit document file type.

If you cannot knit to either a Word or PDF file, just save the completed worksheet(s) and submit your R markdown file(s) for partial credit. Those files have a .Rmd file extension after the name.


Be sure to change “Student-Name” in the question worksheet file names to your name, e.g. : Lab7-Remix-Q1-Joe-Parott.Rmd and Lab7-Remix-Q2-Joe-Parott.Rmd.

Submit your two knitted method worksheet files in the Canvas M7.4 Lab 7 Remix and Report: Hypothesis Tests Part 2—Proportions assignment area.

Note: do not submit a “Zip” file. You can submit multiple files in Canvas.

The Lab 7 Hypothesis Tests Part 2 Grading Rubric will be used.


You have completed Lab 7!

Previous: Lab 7 Rehearse 2

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Creative Commons License
This work was created by Dawn Wright and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

V2.1, Date 12/30/23

Last Compiled 2024-05-18